Our governance consultants work with boards, chief executives and senior managers to make governance more efficient and effective in organisations; creating the optimal dynamic between managing risk and achieving aspirational objectives.
We have extensive experience across all aspects of governance and board development for limited companies, charities (including students’ unions), sports clubs, CICs, associations, partnerships, cooperatives, industrial provident societies, schools, colleges and in the wider public sector.
Our governance reviews and consultancy on specific areas of board practice often address:
- Best use of board skills
- Board recruitment
- Board audit: getting the optimal mix of skills, experience and backgrounds
- Succession planning
- Terms of office
- Board policies: including expenses, remuneration and recruitment
- Board papers, minutes, conduct and frequency of meetings
- Diversity
- The role and remit of committees
- The role of the Chair and other specific board offices or portfolios
- Respective roles and responsibilities of the board and the chief executive/senior management
Specifically we provide:
- Board and senior management away days
- Governance training: induction and refresher training on elements, or all aspects of, the role of the board specific to the business/organisation and sector;
- Mentoring for board members, boards and committees
- Drafting and amending governing documents and shareholder agreements
- Company Secretarial service: acting as Company Secretary for your business/organisation